Module Specs
- Provide PWR / J1939 / MODBUS indication LED
- Built-in jumper to select 120 ohm terminal resister
- Watchdog inside
J1939 Features
Transmission and reception of all types of J1939 messages, including PDU1, PDU2, broadcast and destination specific
J1939 Transport Protocol for transmission and reception of large messages (9 – 1785 bytes)
Supported BAM of Connection Management Message
Network addresses management
Modbus RTU Features
Support RS-232, RS-485 and RS-422
interfacesSupported Modbus RTU slave protocol
Configurable for Modbus Network ID(1~250)
Configurable baud rates of 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Configurable for no, odd, or even parity and 1 or 2 stop bits
Support Function Code 03 / 04 / 06 / 16 of Modbus functions for reading and writing J1939 Messages