September 28, 2021

ICP Australia is proud to introduce iEi’s IRS-100-ULT3 which is focused on the rolling stock market with a variety of advanced technologies designed. The IRS-100 series is compliant with EN 50155 standard. The IRS-100 provides multiple storage bays for data saving, lockable connectors, GPS function and Wi-Fi for wireless communication. Users can control passenger information systems (PIS) and network video recorder (NVR) through the IRS-100. The popular IP cameras for surveillance applications can also be implemented to provide real-time video monitoring to ensure passengers safety.

Furthermore, the IRS-100 offers a dual SIM slot with the ability to automatically switch between two different networks in order to maintain seamless connectivity in remote areas. The system supports GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA/LTE technologies for transmission. Likewise, the IRS-100-ULT3, to work against vibration and shock have M12 connectors which offer reliable performance for high-quality data acquisition or transmission. The M12 connector can ensure that all cables can be tightly secured and improve anti-vibration capability.

Lastly, the IRS-100 provides 1.5kV isolation on the RS-232/422/485, DIO and power in order to protect from any stray electrical signals from other devices and to ensure stable operation in harsh environments. IRS-100 can run in an extremely hot or cold environment -40°C ~ 70°C.


  • Intel® Skylake ULT Processor
  • Dual M12 LAN Port
  • VGA / DVI Dual Display
  • Dual SIM Card Design
  • 24V / 110V DC input
  • 2 x 2.5” Hot-Swappable SATA SSD Drive Bay
  • EN 50155

See More: IRS-100-ULT3


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